Hangman Game with Franka Emika Robot Arm

Project Brief

The main goal of this project was to use the Franka Emika robot arm as a facilitator for a game of hangman. My team and I developed a ROS2 package to implement force control for writing, utilize april tags for a more dynamic gameplay, and apply object character recognition to interact with the human player.

GitHub Repo


System Flow

Personal Work

Personal work on this project includes:

Background Information

This work was developed as a group project from Northwestern University’s ME 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics class. The goal of the class was to learn and implement ROS2 (Robotic Operating System).

Group Members: Ishani Narwankar, Ananya Agarwal, Graham Clifford, Abhishek Sankar, Srikanth Schelbert

Additional Videos

The following two video closely demonstrate the OCR system and how player guesses are seen by the robot.